⁺˚•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚⁺‧͙ Welcome ⁺˚•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚⁺‧͙
Step into the world of
Andromeda Six's Fandub . . .

The Andromeda Six Fandub is a serial fandub of the visual novel game Andromeda Six by Wanderlust Games. All the narration and each character within the visual novel is voiced by a member of the cast. Formed and directed by Silver, the first episode premiered on June 19th, 2020.
Nico Peg'asi & Narrator | Matthew Ruzbasan |
Juniper Nyux (June) | José Iglesias |
Ryona Mi’haden | Courtney (Episodes 1-4) & VampireBre (Episodes 5-10) |
Sebastian Ilahaj (Bash) | Will Marcil |
Damon Reznor | Geoff Butler (Episodes 1-4) & KresnikVA (Episode 5-10) |
Calderon Lynch (Cal) | Martin Laston |
Ayame Ikeda (Aya) | Elena Hark |
Vexx Serif | EurasianRob (Episode 1-3) & Austin Stamper (Episodes 4-10) |
Oppo | Penneoasta |
Alisa Armbrust | Sarah Glyszon |
Zane | Aliake VA |
Nerissa | Silver |
Director and Audio Editor | Silver |
Asst Director, Video Editor, & Thumbnail Artist | Penneoasta |
Sprite Artist & Tumblr Manager | Courtney |
Cast Profiles

Name: Silver
Pronouns: she/her
Voicing (& Other Roles): Director, Audio Editor, & Nerissa
Birthday: March 17th | Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Favorite Color: French Rose Pink
Nationality: Chinese American
SNS: Carrd: Sylekko | YT: Sylekko | Discord: Silver#7086
✯ ✯ ✯
Fun Facts:
> She was born in Lian, China but was adopted at the age of
10 months and grew up in the US
> She's a huge tarot and astrology nerd {Pisces Sun/Leo Moon/Gemini Rising}
> She's sung in an opera before and is currently a part of a Disney acapella group.
She’s also a part of several (singing) dub groups, some being
Dreamcast, 오로라 (Aurora), Floria and Pink Dream
> In addition to dub audio editing, she loves mixing audio for songs
> She can play flute and piano
> She has two cats, named Holly and Autumn
> She loves memes and takes any opportunity she can get to meme.
> One time she wrote an entire final paper on Vines and gave a corresponding presentation,
and got in an A- in the college class
> She adores Animal Crossing and her favorite villagers are Merry and Zucker
> Her aesthetic is a dreamy/soft/astral aesthetic

Name: Pieri
Pronouns: she/they/him
Voicing (& Other Roles): Asst Director, Video Editor, Artist, & Oppo
Birthday: May 15th | Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Favorite Color: Pink
Nationality: American
SNS: Twitter: PenneOasta | IG: PenneOasta
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Fun Facts:
> used to be a Civil Engineer, now attempting an Architecture degree
> loves bubble tea
> Rhythm Heaven Fever maniac
> Favourite indie comic: Barbarous by Yuko Ota & Ananth Hirsh

Name: Courtney
Pronouns: she/her
Roles: Artist, & Tumblr Manager, Ryona's 1st Voice Actor (Ep 1-4)
Birthday: Feb 11th | Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Favorite Color: Yellow
Nationality: American
SNS: Nothing consistent (sorry!)
✯ ✯ ✯
Fun Facts:
> Constantly crocheting
> Current favorite song is Come On, Let’s Go by Ritchie Valens
> She has very strong opinions about Hulk (2003)

Name: Matt
Pronouns: he/him
Voicing: Nico
Birthday: Sept 28th | Zodiac Sign: Libra
Favorite Color: Green, yellow, and blue
Nationality: American
SNS: Twitter: mruzbasan1 | CCC: mruz | Discord: mruz#7216
✯ ✯ ✯
Fun Facts:
> VDV electrician
> Favorite musical: Little Shop of Horrors
> Played drums in a band for 2 years
> Writes, draws, and sings (when he has time)
> Knows an extensive, borderline shameful amount of Green Day trivia
> Current favorite song: Freakin Out On the Interstate - Brinston Maroney

Name: José Iglesias
Pronouns: he/him
Voicing: June
Birthday: November 28th | Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Favorite Color: That one color that ocean water makes when its really shallow
and its nothing but white sand beneath the waves
Nationality: Born in the USA, Chileno by blood
SNS: IG: its_just.jose
✯ ✯ ✯
Fun Facts:
> I play drums in the meanest, leanest, most bombastic rock band you ever did see,
follow us on instagram @exigent.band

Name: VampireBre
Pronouns: she/her
Voicing: Ryona
Birthday: February 20th | Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Favorite Color: Red and Purple
Nationality: American
SNS: Twitter: VampireBre | CCC: VampireBre | Discord: VampireBre#6811
✯ ✯ ✯
Fun Facts:
> Had scoliosis surgery in 2017 so I am partially metal :)
> Had a rabbit called Mr. Nibbles
> Uh... What are fun facts about me-

Name: Will Marcil
Pronouns: he/him
Voicing (& Other Roles): Bash & Sound Producer
Birthday: March 4th | Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Favorite Color: Purple
Nationality: Depends on mood
SNS: When I was a lad, I served a term as office boy to an attorney's firm.
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Fun Facts:
> Aesthetic is that of a ruin from the 1930s given a haunting sort of life
> Has been on every major film lot in Los Angeles
> Survived accidental chlorine exposure

Name: KresnikVA
Pronouns: he/him
Voicing: Damon
Birthday: August 27th | Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Favorite Color: Ruby red, cerulean, purple, and black
Nationality: Scottish
SNS: Twitter: KresnikVA | CCC: KresnikVA
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Fun Facts:

Name: Martin Laston
Pronouns: he/him
Voicing: Calderon
Birthday: Sept 22th | Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Favorite Color: Orange
Nationality: American
SNS: CCC: Laston
✯ ✯ ✯
Fun Facts:
> Frequent short story writer, currently developing an audio version of one
> Proudly LGBT
> Has done an embarrassing amount of roleplay
> Favorite song is “Some Misunderstanding” by Gene Clark

Name: Elena
Pronouns: she/her
Voicing: Ayame
Birthday: May 11th | Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Favorite Color: Purple
Nationality: American (though also Canadian? But not yet? Immigration is a long process)
SNS: Twitter: @elenaharkva | CCC: elenaghark
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Fun Facts:
> Have played the oboe for 9+ years, and
recently finished her majored in oboe performance in college
> Current favorite movie: Megamind
> Current favorite song/classical music piece: The Firebird Suite by Igor Stravinsky
(it’s like 45 minutes long but man is it exciting)
> Proudly bisexual

Name: Austin Stamper
Pronouns: he/him
Voicing: Vexx
Birthday: - | Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Favorite Color: Red
Nationality: Texan
SNS: Twitter: StamperAustin | CCC: Austin Stamper
✯ ✯ ✯
Fun Facts:
> I am a Dungeon Master in my free time
> The other characters I've voiced include a Jedi, a Drunk Alien,
James from Pokemon, and Knuckles from Sonic.
> I love to travel! I took a trip to Japan back in 2019 and genuinely felt like
it changed my perspective on the world. Looking forward to more trips post-COVID.

Name: Sarah Glyszon
Pronouns: she/her
Voicing: Alisa
Birthday: June 12th | Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Favorite Color: Red
Nationality: American
SNS: FB: Sarah Lee | CCC: sarahlee612 | Discord: ilana612#9395
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Fun Facts:
> She lived in South Korea for about a year and a half (her ex is in the military)
> She LOVES playing poker
> She’s extremely competitive, though she’s nice about it
> She is very into astrology, and believes we can learn a ton about ourselves through reading an ephemeris
> She has 5 kids. Yep. FIVE. Her oldest just turned 21, and her youngest is 7 months.

Name: Aliake
Pronouns: he/him
Voicing: Zane
Birthday: June 30th | Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Favorite Color: Teal
Nationality: American
SNS: Twitter: Aliake_VA
✯ ✯ ✯
Fun Facts:
> Lived in the UK for 4 years
> Started learning piano at 15 because of Coldplay <.<
> Ascended Machu Picchu
> Rollerblades 4-5 times a week
Former Cast Members
Name: Geoff Butler
Voiced: Damon (Episodes 1-4)
SNS: Twitter: GeoffButlerVA
Name: EurasianRob
Voiced: Vexx (Episodes 1-3)
SNS: CCC: EurasianRob
Andromeda Six by Wanderlust Games
A downloadable visual novel for Windows and macOS
Set in the year 3025, you take on the role of a lost traveler. With no memory of your past, you wake up on the starship, Andromeda Six, surrounded by its crew of outcasts, each with their own vivid backstory and one common goal. You must try to recover the pieces of your past to uncover your true identity and purpose, while learning to survive the political turmoil overtaking the galaxy after its recent terrorist attacks. On your journey you may end up discovering more than what you bargained for, but can you handle the truth of your past or will it end up consuming you? Will you follow the destiny the stars have written for you, or forge a new path?
This game is currently rated 17+ for mature themes and violence.